Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Video remix of Masonik's Yomnich by Craig Kirchner aka RenegadePenguin -
An ambient audio/visual work.
2011 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA (Attribution; Non-commercial; Share-Alike)
Yomnich Spacepulse Remix is a remix by Creature (Craig Kirchner aka RenegadePenguin) of the live performance of Yomnich by Masonik.
Visuals by Craig Kirchner, incorporating archival footage from ABC Open Archives.
Notice: This artwork has no association with or content relating to the Masons. The Google search engine is simply picking up on the name of the performance group Masonik and assuming/inferring an association.

Yomnich Spacepulse - Masonik Vs Creature (Craig Kirchner aka RenegadePenguin) from Masonik on Vimeo.